Understand Your Car’s Data

Uncover the Secrets Behind Your Car Accident

Cars Have Become Computers on Wheels

More and more new vehicles are being designed and built with cameras and sensors that enable safety features, convenience, and in some cases, assist the driver with driving the vehicle.

These advancements in vehicle technology also make it possible to understand what was happening in our car, and around our car, when an accident occurred. For example, when a Tesla is involved in a collision, it captures car data and video for the 20 seconds preceding the collision. That data and video, in most cases, are then available for the car owner to download. This data is the key to understanding what REALLY happened, taking subjectivity out of  claim resolution and any legal proceedings.

QuantivRisk has extensive knowledge of the data and video generated by today’s software-defined vehicles. Our technology tools and services bring transparency to truth in car accidents.

Case Study

Use the drop-downs below to explore a case study about how QuantivRisk effectively leveraged car accident data to improve outcomes for a car owner and their insurer.

A Case Study from the Insurer’s Perspective

If you are the insurer for the driver of Vehicle 2, what should you do? The police report and witness statements say your guy did it, but your insured is adamant that they didn’t do anything wrong. Do you accept the traditional accident intelligence, pay the claim against your insured, and move on? Or do you fight for your policyholder and think beyond traditional accident information?  

  • Accuracy in fault determination
  • Preservation of company capital
  • A loyal policyholder that feels supported, and will likely tell their friends

A Case Study from the Car Owner Perspective

The driver of Vehicle 1 was in shock. ‘How could all those people say my car stopped?!?’. The driver worried about the financial impact of deductibles, insurance premium hikes, and most importantly, potential lawsuits from other drivers claiming injuries from the crash.  After some time passed the driver calmed down and started to think. They knew their car was surrounded by cameras and sensors and suspected it must capture data to enable the autopilot mode to operate. But how do they get that information? The driver found QuantivRisk and requested our assistance in getting the data to better understand what happened.

  • The driver of Vehicle 1 was able to protect their assets
  • Driver’s deductible was reimbursed by the other insurance company
  • Driver felt like truth and fairness prevailed